Tag Archives: Connecticut

Hartford Connecticut to Orlando or Vice Versa $168 RT Nonstop on JetBlue Airways (Travel Aug-Sept)

Hartford Connecticut to Orlando or Vice Versa $  168 RT Nonstop on JetBlue Airways (Travel Aug-Sept)

Thumb Score: 0
Jetblue Airways have round trip airfares travelling between Hartford CT (BDL) and Orlando (MCO) for $ 168, nonstop. Jetblue’s economy fares are regular economy.

Travel Availability:

Departs BDL: Aug 22-23, 25, 27-29; Sept 1-4, 6, 8-12, 15, 17-19, 22-26, 29
Departs MCO: Aug 22, 28; Sept 5-8, 11-14, 17-21, 24-27;

Use dates and book it with your favorite OTA such as Expedia [expedia.com], Travelocity [travelocity.com] or JetBlue [jetblue.com]. Bundling hotel with airfare will save money.

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PSA: Some Newegg customers are receiving tax bills from the DRS because Newegg didn’t charge them sales tax (FYI: Especially Connecticut residents)

PSA: Some Newegg customers are receiving tax bills from the DRS because Newegg didn't charge them sales tax (FYI: Especially Connecticut residents)

Thumb Score: +6
Some Newegg customers are getting hit with tax bills for past purchases. I just came to know about this through a SD member. I did further research and wanted to share the information here.

[COLOR="Blue"]"The state Department of Revenue Services is combing through customer records from major online retailers to hunt down taxpayers who skipped out on the often-ignored use tax.

As you probably noticed, for years many ecommerce sites did not charge customers sales tax for online orders. The onus fell on the buyer to report purchases and pay any applicable taxes, but there did not seem to be any repercussion for not doing so. For the most part, state agencies focused their attention on online vendors, not online shoppers.

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