Tag Archives: their

$10 off minimum $20 purchase at Best Buy and Target and more for new curbside users using code INHBL with their app in bay area

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Hi: In the San Francisco Bay Area, if you try the curbside app as a new user and use code INHBL you’ll get $ 10 off a minimum $ 20 purchase and be able to pick up your purchase from an associate from your car at the front of the store. I will also receive a $ 10 credit if you do so and I presume that you will also receive a unique code that you can share with friends and family that they can use to get $ 10 off a minimum $ 20 purchase while you also receive an additional $ 10 credit for each one (again probably off a $ 20 minimum purchase). It’s not clear if there is a limit to the number of credits or how long this promotion will last. Curbside is easy to use, has a wide selection and it’s a time saver, if you have time to stop by the store, but not go in, it is great.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Creative Edge Products has their SOLAR-5 solar panel charger for 50% off ($17.50) on Amazon on 9/30/14 from 5PM-12AM

Hey guys

I didn’t see this post on here so I thought I’d share. I got this from their facebook.

*The deal starts today (9/30/14) at 5PM central time and ends at 12AM central time.*

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Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals

FedEx 25% off coupon for using their new One Rate service (like USPS Flat Rate) Valid through May

Looks like FedEx is coming out with a flat rate service of their own (I’m no expert, maybe they already had one) but I found this coupon for 25% off a shipment using the service. You print out the…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals

Free Exchange of Logitech TV Cam for Revue (which came with their Google TV) – ($99 Or $199) [YMMV] See details.

Recieved the following email. Already filled the online form and got the return shipping label.
I have asked to exchange it for Logitech TV Cam HD ($ 199 Value)
Dear Logitech TV Cam for Revue…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals