Tag Archives: Lively

BestBuy: Up to $200 off Apple Watch with $29.99 2-yr Lively Package

BestBuy: Up to $  200 off Apple Watch with $  29.99 2-yr Lively Package

Thumb Score: 0
https://www.bestbuy.com/site/greatcall-lively-preferred-2-year-package-for-smartwatch-digital/6423272.p? [bestbuy.com]

SE Aluminum GPS – 40mm/44mm = $ 158/$ 188 + tax
S6 Aluminum GPS – 40mm/44mm = $ 228/$ 258 + tax

Above prices include the cost of $ 29 Lively plan. You don’t even have to use the plan, and nothing in the terms indicates a continuation of the subscription or monthly fee either, just the purchase of the plan. Even with the $ 29 plan the savings you get make these prices much better than any other price drops on these watches.

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