Way2Gro Indoor/Outdoor Vertical Garden Wall Planters (Various Colors) 1 for $14.99 or 2 for $24.99 + FREE SHIPPING

Way2Gro Indoor/Outdoor Vertical Garden Wall Planters (Various Colors) 1 for $  14.99 or 2 for $  24.99 + FREE SHIPPING

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Product Features:

The Way2Gro system allows anyone to grow fresh organic herbs, greens and micro greens 365 days a year like a pro in their own home
Patent-pending moisture management technology delivers a perfect mix of air and water for healthy plants – it’s self-watering
Includes 3 pots and easy-to-use connectors, hooks, planting posts, assembly instructions and growers guide
The Way2Gro vertical garden kit is designed for the Aspirational Gardener, the Foodie, and the Health Conscious Cook
Ideal for urban dwellers, as well as for anyone who wants to turn their window into a 365 day culinary herb garden or their balcony into a fresh salad bar for the entire growing season
NOTE: Does NOT include seeds or plants of any kind

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