Verizon Buy one Droid Turbo 2 or Maxx 2, get second for 1/2 off. Combine with $200 credit for smartphone trade in

Thumb Score: 0…/motorola/

I am not an expert on posting deals on here, so hopefully I am doing this right (or close enough to right).

This deal may not be for everyone, BUT if you are looking for 2 cell phones Verizon has what I think is a pretty good deal.

Basically if you buy the Droid Turbo 2 ($ 634, very nice phone) or the Droid Maxx 2 ($ 384, still a good phone, just a lesser phone than the Turbo 2 in a few areas) you can get the 2nd one 1/2 off.

Combine that with the fact Verizon will give you a $ 200 credit if you trade in an old smartphone (or a $ 20.00 new one from say Walmart, Meijer etc) you can end up getting a great deal on the 1st phone and a absolute steal (IMO) on the second.

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