Tivo Bolt 500GB $155 Amazon or Best Buy, 1TB discounted, too

Tivo Bolt 500GB $  155 Amazon or Best Buy, 1TB discounted, too

Thumb Score: +1
Amazon [amazon.com] and Best Buy [bestbuy.com]
have the 500GB Tivo Bolt for $ 155 and change.

It’s not the greatest price ever, but the best its been for a non-refurb in a couple months.

1TB units are $ 50ish off, too ($ 243 at Amazon, $ 250 at BB). But the 500GBs are the better choice – for less than the $ 100 difference you can pop in an up-to-3TB laptop drive without any extra steps other than opening up the case and replacing the drive. (You can go larger, but you have to hook the drive up to a PC and do some formatting stuff to it to get larger than 3TB to work.)

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