Tag Archives: Visually

How Money Works: The Facts Visually Explained (How Things Work) (Kindle eBook) $1.99

How Money Works: The Facts Visually Explained (How Things Work) (Kindle eBook) $  1.99

Thumb Score: +1
Author DK
Publisher DK
Publication date March 14, 2017
Print length 255 pages
Customer Reviews 4.8 out of 5 stars / 2,171 ratings
Sold by Penguin Group (USA) LLC
Price $ 8.00 lower (%80 savings) than the regular price of $ 9.99

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It makes the world go round, but money can truly be an enigma.

DK’s visual approach breaks new ground. In graphics, charts, and diagrams, How Money Works demystifies processes and answers the hundreds of financial questions we all have.

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