Tag Archives: Prodigy

Logitech – G203 Prodigy USB Optical Gaming Mouse – Target Clearance $11.98 YMMV / B&M

Logitech - G203 Prodigy USB Optical Gaming Mouse - Target Clearance $  11.98 YMMV / B&M

Thumb Score: 0
Logitech – G203 Prodigy USB Optical Gaming Mouse (Black) – $ 11.98
(B&M / YMMV)


Found a few in TARGET Clearance section.
It was labeled at a reduced clearance price but actually rang up even lower.
(See Receipt)

Originally $ 39.99 –> Clearance $ 19.98 (price listed on package) —> Rang up: $ 11.98

Employee said "that final price wasn’t a mistake, someone should have relabeled it"

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Logitech g231 prodigy gaming and console headset $20.98 Target B&M YMMV

Thumb Score: +1
Was browsing the clearance section at my local Target and found one of these headsets for 20.98. came to 17.94 after the 10% redcard coupon and the normal 5% redcard discount. might be ymmv, not sure

Target: https://www.target.com/p/logitech…A-51265928

Brickseek: https://brickseek.com/target-inve…07-28-1288

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum