Tag Archives: Arthur

Kindle Classic Sci-Fi eBook: The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke – 980 pages -$1.99 – Amazon and Google Play

Kindle Classic Sci-Fi eBook: The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke - 980 pages -$  1.99 - Amazon and Google Play

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Amazon and Google have the eBook edition of The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke on sale for $ 1.99

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NMJPD6Thttps://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=D2mHDwAAQBAJ&gl=us&hl=en-US [google.com]

Six decades of fascinating stories from the legendary "colossus of science fiction" and creator of 2001: A Space Odyssey gathered in one compendium (The New Yorker).

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