Tag Archives: 28Day

The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter’s 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan that Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds (eBook) by Rip Esselstyn $1.99

The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter's 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan that Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds (eBook) by Rip Esselstyn $  1.99

Thumb Score: -1
Lowest price
$ 14.40 lower (%88 savings) than the regular price of $ 16.39

Author Rip Esselstyn
Publisher Grand Central Life & Style
Publication date February 19, 2009
Print length 399 pages
Customer Reviews ★★★★ / 2,496 ratings

Lose weight, lower cholesterol, significantly reduce the risk of disease, and become physically fit–in just 4 weeks.

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