Tag Archives: $144.50

Rogue VB100 violin bass Musicians Friend on EBay $144.50 AC

Thumb Score: 0
There are many "Beatle Bass" clones out there and this one is considered one of the better value buys. The best price previously reported here was $ 149 and that was years ago. To get the price you must buy it on eBay at $ 169.99 and use the 15% off coupon. I don’t own this, but many people who do choose to put high end pricey strings on it, so you may want to budget for that.


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

PlayStation Vita (Wi-Fi) w/ Borderlands 2 Limited Edition Bundle $144.50 after 15% Target Cartwheel (In-Store Only) YMMV

PlayStation Vita (Wi-Fi) w/ Borderlands 2 Limited Edition Bundle $  144.50 after 15% Target Cartwheel (In-Store Only) YMMV

Thumb Score: +2
Cartwheel Offer [target.com]

Expire 7/11/15.

PM with Amazon [amazon.com] or Best Buy [bestbuy.com]. Apply 15% cartwheel after PM.

Best chance to get this deal to work is to have an item or two along with your Vita.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum