T-Mobile iPhone SE 32Gb for $200 after $200 bill credit YMMV

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Hello Slickdealers,
I was just offered a new iPhone SE 32 Gb for $ 400 minus a $ 200 bill credit at a local T-mobile store. This is arguably better than the BOGO offer (after a $ 400 GC) from a couple months ago, since you don’t have to get 2 phones, pay for them on the monthly plan, and wait for a prepaid credit card. My store had space grey and rose gold. I was told the credit would apply to 32 or 64 Gb devices (apparently no 128Gb devices). I’m marking it YMMV since the deal may be tied to the new deployment of T-mobile’s 4G network in my area (Detroit in my case). Her iPhone 5 got dropped to the Edge network and had horrible connectivity after the 1900 MHz (I was told) band was switched off for the change to the new network frequency. It was a packaged t-mobile device.

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