Oakland CA to Barcelona Spain $347 RT Nonstop Airfare on Iberia Airlines (Few Dates in Sept)

Oakland CA to Barcelona Spain $  347 RT Nonstop Airfare on Iberia Airlines (Few Dates in Sept)

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***this is a separate ticket purchase***

One World Alliance Iberia Airlines have round trip airfares travelling from Oakland CA (OAK) to Barcelona Spain (BCN) for $ 347, nonstop. This is a separate ticket purchase, which simply means you have to purchase two one-way tickets instead of the traditional round trip. So be sure you have two windows opened and purchase at the same sitting so you don’t forget to come home.

Travel Availability:
Departs Oakland: Sept 11, 16, 21, 23, 25, 28
Use this link [iberia.com] for OAK-BCN, one way

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