Neal Stephenson: Termination Shock: A Novel (Kindle eBook) $6.99

Neal Stephenson: Termination Shock: A Novel (Kindle eBook) $  6.99

Thumb Score: +1
Author Neal Stephenson
Publisher William Morrow
Publication date November 16, 2021
Print length 716 pages
Customer Reviews 4.4 out of 5 stars / 1,859 ratings
Price $ 10.00 lower (%59 savings) than the regular price of $ 16.99

New York Times Bestseller!

From Neal Stephenson — who coined the term "metaverse" in his 1992 novel Snow Crash — comes a sweeping, prescient new thriller that transports readers to a near-future world in which the greenhouse effect has inexorably resulted in a whirling-dervish troposphere of superstorms, rising sea levels, global flooding, merciless heat waves, and virulent, deadly pandemics.

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