Los Angeles to Tokyo Japan $597 RT on Singapore or Japan Airlines (travel Aug-Dec) Nonstop

Los Angeles to Tokyo Japan $  597 RT on Singapore or Japan Airlines (travel Aug-Dec) Nonstop

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Both top notch airlines, Singapore and Japan Airlines with American Airlines have round trip airfares travelling from Los Angeles (LAX) to Tokyo (NRT) for $ 597 including taxes and fees. This is nonstop service.

Price comparison: As of right now, Air China, 3/5 Star rated with Skytrax, have this for $ 50 cheaper but it makes a stop in Beijing. Other airlines with same nonstop flights are pricing out at $ 777 or more. My thoughts…this has been under $ 500 before and that deal was without planning ahead (or short notice planning). You can wait for it to be under $ 500 again but be ready to travel or do this deal and plan ahead.

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