Joyetech eVic Primo 2.0 Mod for e-cigar vaping $37.60 w/ fs at CVapor

Joyetech eVic Primo 2.0 Mod for e-cigar vaping $  37.60 w/ fs at CVapor

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The Joyetech eVic Primo 2.0 Mod is on sale at for $ 37.60 with free shipping:…eries.html

Your choice from five different colors.

Product Description:

The eVic Primo 2.0 mod is an upgraded mod of eVic Primo. It is also powered by dual 18650 batteries and provides durability and reliability with a 228W maximum output. Featuring the new charging balance system, it supports a 2.0A quick charge capability, providing a faster charging time. The carbon firber design makes the mod more unique and beautiful. The eVic Primo 2.0 mod also features custom logo, preheat and reverse charging and supports upgradeable firmware.

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