Hartford CT to Ft Lauderdale or Vice Versa $118 RT on Jetblue (travel Aug-Sept) Nonstop

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Jetblue has round trip airfares travelling to and from Hartford CT (BDL) and Ft Lauderdale FL (FLL) for $ 118 including taxes and fees. This is nonstop service.

Travel Availability:
Departs FLL: Aug 16, 29, 30; Sept 7, 12-16, 18-22, 25, 27;
Departs BDL: Aug 21-30; Sept 5, 7, 9. 11-13, 16, 18-19, 25-27;

Use dates and book it on Priceline [priceline.com], Orbitz [orbitz.com] or Jetblue [jetblue.com] directly. If you are purchasing 2 round trip tickets, be sure to check for Amex Jetblue offer $ 40 statement credit with $ 200 spend on Jetblue.

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