Denver to Minneapolis or Vice Versa $98 RT Nonstop on Delta Airlines BE (Limited Travel Jan-Feb 2019)

Denver to Minneapolis or Vice Versa $  98 RT Nonstop on Delta Airlines BE (Limited Travel Jan-Feb 2019)

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Delta Airlines have round trip airfares travelling to and from Denver (DEN) and Minneapolis MN (MSP) for $ 98, nonstop. This is a basic economy fare. On Delta’s basic economy, you are allowed one carry-on in addition to a small personal item. You are assigned a seat at the gate, no changes, no upgrades and you will be in the last group to board.

Travel Availability:
Departs DEN: Jan 4, 7-12, 15-19, 23-26, 29-31; Feb 1-3, 5-9
Departs MSP: Jan 7-9, 12, 14-16, 20, 26-30; Feb 2-5, 9-11

Enter travel information on Expedia [] to book this. Bundling hotel with airfare will help save money too.

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