Barbie Fashionistas Doll # 173, Tie-Dye Romper – $4.97 – Amazon

Barbie Fashionistas Doll # 173, Tie-Dye Romper - $  4.97 - Amazon

Thumb Score: 0
Amazon [] has Barbie Fashionistas Doll # 173, Tie-Dye Romper for $ 4.97. Shipping is free with Prime or on $ 25+ orders.

$ 6.02 lower (55% savings) than the list price of $ 10.99

Customer reviews:
★★★★ / 1,284 global ratings

About this Item:[list][*]The latest line of Barbie Fashionistas dolls includes different body types and a mix of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors, hairstyles and so many fashions inspired by the latest trends!

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