Walmart – The Allswell 10 Inch Bed in a Box Hybrid Mattress – From 25% off – $150 (Twin on up ) YMMV

Walmart - The Allswell 10 Inch Bed in a Box Hybrid Mattress - From 25% off - $  150 (Twin on up ) YMMV

Thumb Score: +1
Not the hottest deal in the world @only 25% off, but… I just so happened to be in the market for a new twin mattress, and stumbled on these in my Walmart garden clearance section.

They had an odd assortment of items, like some workbench things, chairs, mattresses, shopvac etc.. So you might head over to your garden clearance to see what else they have. They seemed to be switching over to more spring seasonal items, and as such, some of the older stock was being cleared out. This, combined with their switch over to HyperTough and Hart branded tools means many opportunities for random clearances.

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