Tag Archives: Turkey

Jack Link’s Original Turkey Jerky, 3.25-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4) $6.27 or less + free shipping *Act super fast

Link [amazon.com]

This has been in and out of stock today. So before you td the deal….you might want to check back as the pork jerky has also been in and out.

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Waring Pro TF200 Professional Rotisserie Turkey Fryer/Steamer – $134.99 – Woot.com

Found this deal in time for Thanksgiving on home.woot.com for $ 134.99

Lowest I could find was on Amazon for $ 219 through another seller.

Last post about this particular model was from last…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals

Wii U Deluxe Bundle + 10-20 lbs. Turkey for $269.99 at Fred Meyer B&M

Thanksgiving Day morning Fred Meyer will be selling Wii U Deluxe bundles for $ 249.99.

But for those not wanting to wait or deal with the hassle then, you can score a great deal from 11/24 to…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
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