Tag Archives: storepickup

Dell Inspiron i5559-7080SLV Intel Core i7-6500U, 15.6″ 1080p Touchscreen Laptop with Real Sense, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, AMD R5 4GB graphics – $489 w/promo code @ Frys storepickup only

Dell Inspiron i5559-7080SLV Intel Core i7-6500U, 15.6" 1080p Touchscreen Laptop with Real Sense, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, AMD R5 4GB graphics - $  489 w/promo code @ Frys storepickup only

Thumb Score: 0
Dell Inspiron i5559-7080SLV Intel Core i7-6500U, 15.6" 1080p Touchscreen Laptop with Real Sense, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, AMD R5 4GB graphics – $ 489 AC @ Frys storepickup only [frys.com]

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Key Specifications

[B][LIST][*]Processor: 6th Generation Intel® Core i7-6500U[*]Display:15.6 inch (1920 x 1080) FHD Truelife LED-Backlit Touch Display With Intel Real Sense[*]System Memory: 8GB, DDR3L

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