Tag Archives: Sanitizer

Bluemen sanitizer purchased from Sam’s Club included in recall

Thumb Score: -1
Just received email from Walmart.com Recalls stating the Blumen sanitizer I purchased from Sam’s Club was included in the recall. Posting from mobile so sorry if this is wrong area for this. I learned of the sanitizer from SD so assuming Fellow SDers May have to.

Text of email:

Dear Valued Samsclub.com Member:

Our merchants are committed to sourcing the highest quality products for our members. The items we offer are held to strict quality assurance and regulatory standards, but occasionally there are issues beyond our control that can impact a specific product. That is why we are reaching out to you today.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Germ-X Original Hand Sanitizer – 32 oz ($5.99)

Thumb Score: 0
This usually alerts me and sells out immediately, but has stayed live for the last hour. Hope others can take advantage of it in stock and free delivery with Red Card.

I know sanitizer isn’t as hard to find anymore, but it’s a refutable brand from a reputable retailer at a reasonable price.

Like I said, it usually sells out instantly, but has been in stock for over an hour. Estimated delivery is Sun, Jun 7 to Los Angeles.


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Hand Sanitizer at Sams Club for in-store purchase still available – $8.98

Hand Sanitizer at Sams Club for in-store purchase still available - $  8.98

Thumb Score: -1
refresh the page a few times if item shows out of stock

still available for in-store purchase in most locations (in 1 Liter refill bottle) [samsclub.com]

keep checking the sams website this item has been going in and out of stock:

Naturewell Advanced Liquid Hand Sanitizer (9.7 fl., oz. 3 pk.) [samsclub.com]

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