Tag Archives: Roses
Double Bouquet of Peruvian Lilies & Roses w/ Red Vase $32.99 shipped at florists.com
Thumb Score: +1
Florists.com has Double Bouquet of Peruvian Lilies & Roses w/ Red Vase on sale for $ 32.99. Shipping is free.
Repeat of offer just front paged!
Single bouquet is $ 27.99
25 free roses – pay $19 for delivery
Thumb Score: -1
Ordered on August 20th, received them on August 25th. Vacuum sealed, at least 3 foot roses. The only bad part is that it’s one per customer 🙁
Amazon – Starlight & Roses Bath Bomb by 7-8 oz. Bath Bomb $6.99
ProFlowers – 12 Rainbow Roses $15.99
Glow in the Dark Roses on eBay $15 free Shipping
I have been searching for Glowing Roses in the US but they were only available in UK.
Today I found them on eBay. They are not cheap though, $ 15 for a Rose with free shipping.
Can be seen on…
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