Tag Archives: Raider
eBay – Microsoft Xbox One Rise of the Tomb Raider Bundle $219.99
Amazon – Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Digital Download (Xbox One) $7.50
EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB SSC Video Graphics Card w/ Rise of Tomb Raider $165 AR Newegg
$ 164.99 after $ 15.00 rebate with Tomb Raider!
This is $ 5 less than when I got it a couple weeks ago on FP.
Xbox One Consoles: 500GB Gears of War Bundle (or Forza Motorsport 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Rare Replay) $349.99 + $100GC + Free Shipping Dell.com
Choose from:[LIST][*]Xbox One 500GB Gears of War Ultimate Edition Bundle [dell.com] $ 349.99 + $ 100 GC[*]Xbox One 500 GB Console (Pick One Game: Rare Replay, Gears of War Ultimate, Forza 6, OR Rise of the Tombraider) [dell.com] $ 349.99 + $ 100 GC
MSI X99A Raider LGA2011-v3 Motherboard $129AR @Frys (2/10 w/emailed code) ZModo 720p Wifi Cam $32
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition $10, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition $7.50 (PS4 Digital Codes) and more
Sleeping Dogs Definitive $ 10 [amazon.com]
Matching PSN store prices on some games
Rise Of The Tomb Raider Digital Deluxe Edition (PC Digital) at GMG for $59 (season pass included)
use coupon: 27RISE-OFTOMB-RAIDER
didn’t see the deluxe edition listed.
Xbox One 1TB Console w/ Rise of the Tomb Raider Bundle $339.99 + Free Shipping [Daily Steals]
$ 339.99 + free shipping and no tax in certain states
Brand: Microsoft
Condition: New
Model: Microsoft Xbox One Rise of the Tomb Raider Bundle
What you get:
Xbox One Console with 1TB hard drive
Xbox One Wireless Controller with 3.5mm headset jack
Rise of the Tomb Raider full game download
Call of duty black ops iii, Fallout 4, Rise of the tomb raider $39.99 possibly $19.99 ymmv (ps4 xb1)target
$ 20 off target, curbside http://try.shopcurbsid
ESA Game Pack for PS3(Uncharted, Tomb Raider Underworld, Mercenaries 2)@ Gamestop-IN-STORE ONLY-$5.97
It contains the original Uncharted, Tomb Raider Underworld and Mercenaries 2: World In Flames.
Amazon – Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Xbox One) $19.99
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition $6 – Steam Holiday Sale – Daily Deal
Part of the Holiday Sale 2014
Daily Deal – Expires in 44 hours (from 12/29 – 5pm EST)
Regular Tomb Raider $ 4
GOTY Version $ 6
Collection $ 16
This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition $29.82 PS4 / $24.99 Xbox One @ Amazon/ $29.99 @ Gamestop w/ free shipping
I saw this deal and thought it was decent.
PS4 Tomb Raider Definitive Edition $ 29.82 @ Amazon free shipping w/ prime
Here [amazon.com]
Xbox One Tomb Raider Definitive Edition…
This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals
Microsoft Store – Tomb Raider (Xbox 360) $9.99
Tomb Raider Amazon (PC download) $7.99
Steam PC: Tomb Raider for $5, GOTY for $7.50, individual DLC and original TR games also 75% off
Steam is currently having a 75% off sale on the Tomb Raider franchise:
Microsoft store sale on Xbox One games [BF4, COD:G, ACIV, FiFA14, etc + Tomb Raider (DD)]
Here is a list of games that I found to be discounted for the time being. Some can be shipped and some digitally downloaded. Enjoy.
*Battlefield 4* $ 29.99
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals