Link : http://www.frys.com/product/36005…mail111
This needs your Fry’s Personal Promo Code that you get in the daily emails, mine arrived just a few minutes ago so check for yours.
Next cheapest slicer I can find on Amazon is about $ 50 so if you need one this looks like a good deal.
Everything You Need to Know About Personal Finance in 1000 Words Kindle Edition
by C.J. Carlsen
Hopefully, it’s not a repost, but I did a quick search, and didn’t see one.
2-bay TS-231 [newegg.com] $ 139AC
w/code 0902LDWKS66
The age of the “hoverboard” is over. The Segway miniPRO is the next evolutionary step of two-wheeled, self-balancing personal transporters. Segway and Ninebot utilized decades of combined industry knowledge to create smarter software, stronger hardware, and safer features. The miniPRO’s precision sensors automatically react to the rider’s movements and maintain stability over a variety of indoor and outdoor terrains. The knee control bar provides innovative steering precision that allows you to maneuver more effectively than two-wheel hover boards.