Thumb Score: +1
$ 29.90
Shipping & Handling:
$ 0.00
Subscribe & Save
-$ 1.50
Your Coupon Savings
-$ 4.49
Your Coupon Savings
-$ 7.48
Your Coupon Savings
-$ 2.99
Total Before Tax:
$ 13.44
Estimated Tax Collected:
$ 0.00
Order Total
$ 13.44
Hey SD,
I was going to happily buy this with 25% Coupon for 1st timer with 5% S&S. Then miracle happened as Amazon allowed multiple coupons (shown above) applied that I wasn’t even aware. I ordered 80 at 50% discount.
Bravo? Sorry, I can’t duplicate this anymore and forgot all the steps, but try it for yourself- I used Mobile Amazon app, remember clicked 25% and 5% S&S. no additional coupons applied. Think this is system glitch 

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