…ll/4781959 has a $ 3.00 off coupon found here:…0&zid=iq37
Also Blue Rhino is offering a $ 3.00 rebate found here:
https://www.bluerhino.c has a $ 3.00 off coupon found here:…0&zid=iq37
Also Blue Rhino is offering a $ 3.00 rebate found here:
Hey guys, I needed a sheet of 3/4 ply to zip/kreg together some chicken nest boxes. My Lowe’s either doesn’t stock it, or is out, but the website shows sale price of $ 16. The nearest location with inventory gladly price matched, over $ 10 (38%) off the shelf price. This is some nice plywood that will make for many great projects, so I bought 4 sheets! I can post the receipt if necessary.
For those interested
Note, limit 2 per customer. Offer valid through May 24, 2017
used a filler and $ 15 off $ 50 for $ 27.40 pre-tax, was actually surprised to get the pickup email shortly after I ordered. Zip 23225…XGY_032917
You can also search SD for Lowes $ 50 off $ 250 coupon to save a few extra bucks.
A similar offer is Stanley Fatmax Auto-Lock for $ 23 []
A good tape measure for the price.