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Painless Piano Video course – 50% off the $ 39 price. 2hr’s of video Anyone can learn to play any song on the piano
Painless piano 50% off []
Warning! Playing music may cause sudden outbursts of joy, happiness, energy, creativity, awareness, increased talent, attractiveness and extreme amounts of fun – Play at your own risk.
Everyone would love to be able to play the piano but most people think the piano is too hard to play and that you need to be able to read music to do it. This is simply not true and we have plenty of great reviews that prove that it’s not true.
No reading music?
No hours of mind numbing practice?
No scales?
But that can’t be proper music then?
Tell it to the guitarists, they have been getting by just fine playing great music without having to do any of the stuff that the ‘Classical’ tradition tells you ‘have’ to do. In fact they’ve been having all the fun just using chords. Why not apply that to the piano?
“Well, I am just blown away by this. This is such an easy system. I am kicking myself that I did not know this sooner. I would have been playing piano for years by now if I’d realised how easy it would be." urlhasbeenblocked user

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