$ 15.77
Nickol and Bronze color avaiable at slightly higher price
Nickol and Bronze color avaiable at slightly higher price
used a filler and $ 15 off $ 50 for $ 27.40 pre-tax, was actually surprised to get the pickup email shortly after I ordered. Zip 23225
Kwikset Austin 985 SmartKey Venetian Bronze Double-Cylinder Deadbolt
Item # 42894 Model # 985 11P AUD SMT CP…lt/3734431
The regular price is $ 49.97, but the bronze finish is showing up for $ 11.24 and is available for shipping.
Up to 42% off Door Hardware [][LIST][*] Kwikset Delta Venetian Bronze Privacy Bed/Bath Lever [] $ 9.96[*] Kwikset Delta Venetian Bronze Passage Hall/Closet Lever [] $ 9.99[*]Schlage Camelot Antique Brass Keypad Entry with Flex Lock w/ Georgian Interior Knob [] $ 69.30
The price for it is $ 110 but rang up at register is $ 55. After apply 15% coupon off, it came out at $ 47.
Note: Polished Brass is on sale, and in store only