Tag Archives: items

HOME DEPOT YMMV – Husky tool clearance items

HOME DEPOT YMMV - Husky tool clearance items

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My Home Depot (68116) had a handful of Husky tools on clearance. Brickseek shows estimated quantity, but just shows "clearance" as the price.

Each of the sets below were $ 3.20. There were a couple other items but I don’t remember what they were. I’d guess all the Home Depot’s are clearing out certain Husky product for some reason.

YMMV obviously

T-Handle spinner set



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Harbor Freight Coupon: Any 5(five) Items Under $10 30% Off (Valid Through 1/27) $9.99

Harbor Freight Coupon: Any 5(five) Items Under $  10 30% Off (Valid Through 1/27) $  9.99

Thumb Score: 0

Harbor Freight Coupon: Any 5 Items Under $ 10 30% Off (Valid Through 1/27)

Yes you read that right 5 items in a single transaction.

In store only and simply show them the coupon on your phone or printed copy. Sometimes if you simply just tell them the code numbers that will work as well.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum