There are several offers available to people that live in certain locations or that meet certain income requirements.
Offers include:
$ 10 / mo Comcast internet – speeds are slow, but usable…
This is a content summary only. Please visit for the full details. – Hot Deals
Free after mail in rebate. Saw this email pop-up this morning. Add the software to your cart, and enter your email plus promo code EXLEMC2347. Price is cart should be $ 35.00 plus any taxes…
This is a content summary only. Please visit for the full details. – Hot Deals
George Takei
“Everyone loves a sale, and this is how 70% off until tomorrow 12:00 pm EDT. After that, the price goes up by $ 2. Don’t delay: Get this while the getting’s good!”
I was looking to save some money on my Uverse bill went on the chat and the CS gave me the 45 mb internet and U300 for $ 100 a month for 12 months a savings of $ 27 a month from what I was paying for…
This is a content summary only. Please visit for the full details. – Hot Deals
NUANCE Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Home + Total Defense Premium Internet Security – 5 User
$ 85 combo price
– $ 60 Total Defense combo mail-in rebate
– $ 35 Nuance mail-in rebate
= -$ 10