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Sunlu has two large size 3D printers on sale: The S9 Plus, which includes an S1 Plus filament dryer box, for $ 199, and the older S8 Pro for $ 119. Both printers have a 310x310x400mm build volume.
The S9 Plus comes with auto bed leveling, dual Z-axis, a filament runout and clog detection sensor, a flexible magnetic build plate, and filament dryer integration, allowing the printer to control the filament dryer. The S1 Plus filament dryer box is included with the printer, which has a fan to remove humidity more effectively compared to the standard S1 filament dryer. The dryer box is worth around $ 30-$ 40. While not the fastest printer, when properly calibrated, the S9+ should produce nice prints at a reasonable price for its size.
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