Thumb Score: 0…-dark-fate
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Get tickets for the return of the T-800 in TERMINATOR: DARK FATE. Register and see it 10/31-11/3 to receive double points!
Select AMC Stubs members who register for promotion will earn double points on paid ticket purchases to TERMINATOR: DARK FATE during the promotion window (10/31‑11/3). A qualifying purchase must 1) occur at participating locations, 2) occur during the promotion window, and 3) have the member’s AMC Stubs account # associated with the transaction. Double points defined as a 100% bonus on base points earned on paid tickets to TERMINATOR: DARK FATE. All Bonus Points will be awarded in 2 to 4 days following the completion of a qualifying visit. Registered members are limited to one qualifying purchase per day of the promotion. No bonus points will be awarded for admission tickets provided as part of an A‑List Membership. AMC associates are not eligible to participate in this Bonus Point promotion.

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