Tag Archives: Every

Verizon FiOS customers only, $200 off any smartphone on Verizon Edge+$200 bill credit for every new line (YMMV)

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Didnt see this posted. Ignore if its a re-post.

If you are Verizon FiOS customer and looking for a new smartphone – get $ 200 off any smartphone on Verizon Edge and receive a $ 200 bill credit for every line you bring over. Verizon offers differ from location to location, so it might vary in your location. Applicable only for new Edge activation; don’t know if its stackable with this $ 200 off on iPhone 6 offer (if its still available)

Hit the link below to see if this applies to your area:

(check the fine print as well:)

Limited-time offer for existing FiOS customers only. New account and new smartphone activation on Verizon Edge required. Offer valid for up to 5 lines per account. Pre-order, back-order and certified pre-owned devices are not eligible for this offer. Bill credit applies within 2–3 cycles. Subject to Customer and Edge Agmts. & credit approval; see vzw.com. No cash or credit given if discount exceeds price of phone. While supplies last. Restocking fee may apply. Our Surcharges (incl. Fed. Univ. Svc. of 17.4% of interstate & int’l telecom charges [varies quarterly], 18¢ Regulatory & 95¢ Administrative/line/mo., & others by area) are in addition to monthly access & not taxes (details: 1.888.684.1888); gov’t taxes & our surcharges could add 6%–44% to your bill. Offers & coverage, varying by svc., not available everywhere; see vzw.com. © 2015 Verizon Wireless.

Note: I’m not a FIOS customer, so I can’t verify. Call Verizon or check at your local corporate store.

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