Tag Archives: Dressing

Kraft Ranch Dip, Dressing and Recipe Mix Packet, Thick and Creamy, 1oz (Makes 16oz) – as low as 85 cents with S&S – Amazon

Kraft Ranch Dip, Dressing and Recipe Mix Packet, Thick and Creamy, 1oz (Makes 16oz) - as low as 85 cents with S&S - Amazon

Thumb Score: +1
If anything it makes a good filler item to make up to 5 items for S&S 😉

Clip the 25% off coupon

Subscription summary
Items: $ 1.42
Shipping & handling: $ 0.00
Your Coupon Savings: -$ 0.36
Subscribe & Save: -$ 0.21
Total before tax: $ 0.85
Estimated tax to be collected: $ 0.00
Total: $ 0.85


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