Tag Archives: dollar

Pine Glo Antibacterial Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaner & Disinfectant, 40 oz. – $12 for case of 12 @ Dollar Tree

Thumb Score: 0
Hello Everyone,
Given the pandemic, I’m obsesed with all things antibacterial and given the endorsement of Lysol spray, finding anything antibacterial is becomming impossible. I stumbled across this, today, at dollartree.com. I placed 2 separate orders to save on shipping, but you can also pick up in store

FYI: Limit of 4 in store. So if you’re in the market, order now as, at this price w/shipping, they won’t last!

Product details:
Pine Glo® cleans and disinfects in one easy step! The antibacterial formula is perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, hospitals, and nurseries — ideal for use on non-porous washable hard surfaces such as bathtubs, counters, showers, toilets, bathroom and kitchen fixtures, stoves, refrigerators, highchairs, walls, floors, and more. It also kills Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus (formerly called swine flu).

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

DOLLAR FLIGHT CLUB’s next deal – $1 for one year of Hotel Premium

Thumb Score: +1
For those of you who spent $ 1 for a year of Dollar Flight Club’s Premium+ membership, this is your chance to blow another buck on their premium HOTEL booking service:

DOLLAR FLIGHT CLUB – Premium Hotel Service [dollarflightclub.com] – 1 year for $ 1

Normally $ 20. They claim it’s today only (but the original deal for Premium+ was extended; see below). I don’t know if you need Premium+ to get this, or if you can get this separately.

The original Premium+ deal that I posted still appears to be valid here (even though it is marked as over; it’s still available, at least for the rest of today). That thread includes links to free resources for similar information if you’d rather not spend a buck.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Dollar Flight Club – 1 year Premium or Premium+ membership for $1 – TODAY ONLY

Thumb Score: +1
LINK [dollarflightclub.com]

Good until midnight CT tonight – DollarFlightClub.com offers Premium (reg. $ 69) or Premium+ (reg. $ 99) membership for $ 1 for the first year. Cancel anytime.

This site sends you notices when special deals occur on flights, such as mistake fares. The reviews I’ve read haven’t been great, but at $ 1/year I figure it’s worth a shot for when we can actually travel again.

IMPORTANT: The landing page doesn’t talk about Premium+, but when you go to purchase you can select it as an option. Web site says Premium+ has all that Premium has and more, and they are the same price ($ 1/first year).

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

2 X 100W equivalent LED bulb $1 at Dollar Tree YMMV

2 X 100W equivalent LED bulb $  1 at Dollar Tree YMMV

Thumb Score: +3
Stopped by the local dollar tree to buy my usual stuff but surprised that I found 100W LED bulbs for $ 1. $ 1 for each bulb would be a good price but 2 of them for $ 1 is a steal. Here’s 2 pictures of these 100W bulbs compared to the 60W bulbs that I got from the same dollar tree a few months back.

Store locator

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

10% off Nintendo & Dominos & GameStop gift cards + $5 off 2 Chilli’s & Cracker Barrel & PlayStation gift cards at Dollar General

Thumb Score: 0
1st page bottom right


Excludes $ 10 PSN card

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Ottomanson Siesta Collection Kitchen Runner Rugs: Hundred Dollar Bill (22″ x 53″) $11, Hot Peppers or Coffee Cups (20″ x 59″) $9.50

Ottomanson Siesta Collection Kitchen Runner Rugs: Hundred Dollar Bill (22" x 53") $  11, Hot Peppers or Coffee Cups (20" x 59") $  9.50

Thumb Score: +2
One Hundred Dollar Bill Non-Slip Runner Rug (22" x 53")[LIST][*]Walmart [walmart.com] $ 10.99[*]Amazon [amazon.com] $ 10.73[*]Home Depot [homedepot.com] $ 10.73

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Dollar Snack Club: Get 6 Snacks Every Month For $1 + $3.99 S&H

Dollar Snack Club: Get 6 Snacks Every Month For $  1 + $  3.99 S&H

Thumb Score: -1
Snacknation [snacknation.com] has their Dollar Snack Club subscription for $ 1 + $ 3.99 shipping per month.


  • Receive 6 new snacks delivered to your doorstep, every month.
  • Complete a quick survey online every month to continue paying just $ 1 + ($ 3.99) S&H. Otherwise pay the $ 9.99 retail price.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Dollar Tree (B&M) Item of the Week was Blu-Rays and DVD’s. YMMV $1

Thumb Score: 0
The blurays tended to be New with some having dvd and digital copy. The DVD’s tended to be previously viewed movies from somewhere. There were ALOT of good names. I had just come from Big Lots and looked at some of the same names(Taken 2 and Taken 3 specifically) for $ 5 each and gave them a pass only to find them for $ 1..heck the digital copy would be worth it to some.

I personally picked up(but there was plenty more):

DVD’s Previously Viewed:

Ballistic with Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Bai Bubbles – Kohala Kola & Simbu Citrus 3/$1.00 @ Dollar Tree YMMV $0.33

Thumb Score: 0
I’ve been to three dollar tree stores over the past few days and they each have Bai Bubbles Kola and Citrus for 3/$ 1.00.

One of the stores didn’t have this listed as the price but it rang up as such.

Picture of receipt: https://i.imgur.com/VZSwER8.jpg

The expiration dates of the drink seem to all be midway through 02/2018

Good Luck!

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum