Tag Archives: Data

2-Pk of 6ft Aukey Nylon Braided USB-C to USB A 2.0 Cables $5, 5-pk Aukey USB-C to USB-C or A, USB 3 Gen 1 Data & Charge Cables $12

2-Pk of 6ft  Aukey Nylon Braided USB-C to USB A 2.0 Cables $  5, 5-pk Aukey USB-C to USB-C or A, USB 3 Gen 1 Data & Charge Cables $  12

Thumb Score: 0

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Bluetooth Smart Scale by GreaterGoods for your Weight Gurus Data – Amazon $38.98

Thumb Score: 0
Been looking for a bluetooth smart scale and was considering fitbit aria.
But in my research, I found many people don’t like fitbit aria and preferred this weight gurus scale made by greater goods instead.
Data can sync to fitbit, myfitnesspal, and other fitness app apparently.
Very positive reviews from many people and fakespot gave an "A" for the review quality.

Been waiting for a deal and it happened to be part of the lightning deal on Amazon today, should be valid until 6.30p today.

Hope it can help someone too

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Sprint: Free One-Year Unlimited Talk, Text, Data, and 50GB Hotspot (SWAC Only)

Sprint: Free One-Year Unlimited Talk, Text, Data, and 50GB Hotspot (SWAC Only)

Thumb Score: 0
Sprint is offering $ 30/mo service credit for 12 months to all Sprint Wireless Advantage Club (SWAC) customers, making the Advantage Unlimited Plus Plan free and the Advantage Unlimited Premium Plan $ 20/mo. Activation fee is waived.

Add a new line on us!

Discount applies to one handset line only added during the promotional period of 2/8/19-4/4/19 on your Sprint Friends and Family Account.

Pay $ 0/mo for 12 months on the Advantage Unlimited Plus Plan, then pay $ 30/month. Pricing assumes AutoPay and does not include taxes and fees, discount may take 1-2 cycles to apply to account.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

NOT A DEAL (DATA BREACH) TTL Hoover.com – Almost a year ago!

Thumb Score: -2
Notice of Data Breach

We are writing to inform you of an incident involving your personal information. The intent of this letter is to share what we know, what we are doing to address it, and to provide some information and resources for steps you can take to protect your personal information.

What Happened

TTI Floor Care North America ("TTI"), which owns Hoover and other brands, recently discovered that an unknown party accessed a limited number of its customer names, email addresses, and legacy usernames and passwords relating to an old version of the Hoover.com website without authorization. The old version of the Hoover.com website was no longer in use or accessible at the time of the incident. There was no access to any financial information, such as credit card numbers and bank accounts. This incident occurred in July 2017.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Tacklife Digital Anemometer Handheld with LCD Display , MAX/MIN Mode and Hold Data Function for $9.97 @amazon

Tacklife Digital Anemometer Handheld with LCD Display , MAX/MIN Mode and Hold Data Function for $  9.97 @amazon

Thumb Score: +1
Tacklife Digital Anemometer Handheld, DA02 Classic Wind Speed Meter Measuring Temperature Speed and Wind Chill with LCD Display, MAX/MIN Mode and Hold Data Function for $ 9.97


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Engbird Wireless Bluetooth Temperature & Humidity Data Logger Thermometer/Hygrometer with Outside Probe / Magnet/Alert for Food Storage Brewing Pet Instrument $34.99

Engbird Wireless Bluetooth Temperature & Humidity Data Logger Thermometer/Hygrometer with Outside Probe / Magnet/Alert for Food Storage Brewing Pet Instrument $  34.99

Thumb Score: 0
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0774BGBHS [amazon.com]
Discount Price: $ 34.99

Size: IBS-TH1+Probe[list][*]Accurate (Humidity and Temperature accuracy is ±2%RH and 0.5°F) and fast response. Use the new generation of France HTU21D temperature and humidity sensors. Power consumption will be lower and working life will be longer.[*]Monitoring range: 50 meters / 150ft (No obstructions).Temperature Range: -40 ~140°F (Inner sensor) -40~212°F (External probe). Humidity Range: 0~99%RH.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

$12.50 per line, TMobile, unlimited talk/text, 1Gb shared data, 4 lines

Thumb Score: -2
EZConnect has a family deal if you are ok with TMobile and don’t do a lot of data- unlimited talk and text (including international text) for 4 lines, $ 50/month deal. 1GB data shared among 4 lines. International calling is free for 11 countries. That is $ 12.50 each line.

You can add additional data as required for $ 5@500MB


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum