Tag Archives: Console

Sony – PlayStation 4 Console Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Platinum Wireless Headset Bundle $299.99 Best Buy

Sony - PlayStation 4 Console Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Platinum Wireless Headset Bundle $  299.99 Best Buy

Thumb Score: 0

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Any console Destiny Taken King or Star Wars Battlefront (few others too) $9.99 new at Meijer B&M

Thumb Score: 0
Title says it all…

Just came back from the store, some video games on sale for $ 9.99 brand new on PS4, Xbone, PS3, X360

Noticed battlefront, taken king, sunset overdrive, and a few others. Pretty sure it was in the ad this week to if you want to try and pricematch somewhere.

No, you can’t order for shipping.


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Xbox One Console at Target: -10% Cartwheel, -5% RedCard, +Free Controller, Starting at $279.99 for GoW Bundle

Xbox One Console at Target: -10% Cartwheel, -5% RedCard, +Free Controller, Starting at $  279.99 for GoW Bundle

Thumb Score: 0
Target has Xbox One Consoles/Bundles 10% using Cartwheel (In store only).
Save another 5% using Red Card

Bundles include 2nd Controller

Here’s a link to the GoW bundle which seems in stock at most stores. Other bundles have more limited availability so YMMV.


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

New PlayStation 4 500GB Console – Destiny: The Taken King Limited Edition Bundle – $320 + Free shipping(rushhourwholesaler via eBay)

Thumb Score: 0
New PlayStation 4 500GB Console – Destiny: The Taken King Limited Edition Bundle – $ 320 + Free shipping(rushhourwholesaler via eBay)


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

PlayStation 4 500GB Console – Call of Duty Black Ops III Bundle $229.98 + $9 shipping | Amazon Third Party Seller

PlayStation 4 500GB Console - Call of Duty Black Ops III Bundle $  229.98 + $  9 shipping | Amazon Third Party Seller

Thumb Score: +1
Please down vote (or) remove if this is not a good deal.. thanks..

PlayStation 4 500GB Console – Call of Duty Black Ops III Bundle $ 229.98 + $ 9 shipping

Linky [amazon.com]

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum