Gilt City is running another offer through February 28th:…rfinalajan
$ 50 for $ 35
$ 75 for $ 50
$ 59 for a "Sweetheart Bento Box" assortment of 8 different candies (regularly $ 71)
$ 99 for a "Party in a Box" assortment of 10 pounds of 5 different candies (regularly $ 150)
Redeem offer by April 28, 2015, offer redeemable in full only.
You can combine this with code WELCOME20 at giltcity to save 20% off your first giltcity order. For example, the $ 75 sugarfina credit costs $ 40 with the code WELCOME20.
Sugarfina is also running a promotion on orders over $ 30: Choose one bonus candy cube, free with any purchase of $ 30 or more, now through February 10th. Limit one bonus item per order, no code required.
The giltcity code reduces your order total for shipping cost purposes. Check their shipping rates here:
The giltcity code does not reduce your total for the purposes of the free candy cube promo. In short, they stack.
My example: 22% more candy for 33% less money
Regular price: 8 items, 1 free item, shipping = $ 79.95
Discounted price: 8 items, 1 free item, and 2 more items (to use the full $ 75), shipping = $ 52.95

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