Tag Archives: Cabirini

Free Ticket to view Cabirini Film from Angels in our Network- Not to be confused with recent BOGO tickets for same movie

Free Ticket to view Cabirini Film from Angels in our Network- Not to be confused with recent BOGO tickets for same movie

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Access this link and wait for the popup to materialize. Fill in the information and select your location for viewing.
2 Million tickets are being given away and they are 57% requested to date.

What is the movie about?? Based upon a true story of Francesca Cabrini.
Arriving in New York City in 1889, Italian immigrant Francesca Cabrini is greeted by disease, crime and impoverished children. She soon sets off on a daring mission to convince the mayor to secure housing and health care for society’s most vulnerable. With broken English and poor health, Cabrini uses her entrepreneurial mind to build an empire of hope unlike anything the world has ever seen.

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