Tag Archives: Beginners

Python Foundation this book includes Python for beginners, Machine Learning, Python Data Science. Programming Languages and more, Free Kindle ebook from Amazon

Python Foundation this book includes Python for beginners, Machine Learning, Python Data Science. Programming Languages and more, Free Kindle  ebook from Amazon

Thumb Score: 0
Python Foundation this book includes Python for beginners, Machine Learning, Python Data Science. Programming Languages + coding + Artificial Intelligence + Data Analysis + Numpy + Pandas : Python 3 , free ebook on kindle from Amazon .
Hi fellow SDers , its been a while , busy with life and all , this book seems good for those interested , as enjoy and take care 🙂 .


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

61-Key Electric Piano with Touch Sensitive Keys for Beginners $90.99 + Free Shipping

61-Key Electric Piano with Touch Sensitive Keys for Beginners $  90.99 + Free Shipping

Thumb Score: -2
Amazon [amazon.com] has 61-Key Electric Piano with Touch Sensitive Keys for $ 129.99 – $ 39.00 off w/ promo code S8QYBO9V (apply in cart) = $ 90.99. Shipping is free for Prime members.

128 Standard GM Timbres
100 Rhythm Styles & 88 Demo Songs
Auto Undertone Chord
7 Effects and 6 External Interface

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Instant Pot Duo Nova Pressure Cooker 7 in 1, 6 Qt, Best for Beginners $59.99

Instant Pot Duo Nova Pressure Cooker 7 in 1, 6 Qt, Best for Beginners $  59.99

Thumb Score: +1
​Amazon has Instant Pot Duo Nova Pressure Cooker 7 in 1, 6 Qt on sale for $ 59.99 + Free Shipping.

I have been waiting for this deal for a couple of months.[list][*]Best for beginners: An upgrade to the all-time bestseller Instant Pot Duo series, the Duo Nova combines 7 appliances in 1: Pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, saute pan, food warmer, and yogurt maker. The 6Qt model is the most popular size, with a capacity to cook for up to 6 people – if you’re on the fence about which size is right for you, you can’t go wrong with the 6Qt

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Coding: 3 books in 1 : “Learn Python coding and programming book 1 & 2 + Linux for Beginners” Kindle Edition for Free

Coding: 3 books in 1 : "Learn Python coding and programming book 1 & 2 + Linux for Beginners" Kindle Edition for Free

Thumb Score: +4
Here are a 3-in-1 e-books that teaches Python and Linus coding, for anyone who wants to learn. It is normally $ 10. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082GYW…ative=9325
Enjoy! 😎

Product details[LIST][*]File Size: 8471 KB[*]Print Length: 419 pages[*]Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1673163866[*]Publication Date: December 7, 2019[*]Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC[*]Language: English[*]ASIN: B082GYW8LK[*]Text-to-Speech: Enabled https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon….485936882_.gif [amazon.com]

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

ACED DIY 3D Printers, Large Build Volume (12″x12″x12.6″), Easy to Print, Heated Print Bed, Filament Detection, Resume Print for Beginners $199.99

ACED DIY 3D Printers, Large Build Volume (12"x12"x12.6"), Easy to Print, Heated Print Bed, Filament Detection, Resume Print for Beginners $  199.99

Thumb Score: 0
$ 300 amazon coupon, JG Aurora A5 clone

ACED DIY 3D Printers, Large Build Volume (12"x12"x12.6"), Easy to Print, Heated Print Bed, Filament Detection, Resume Print for Beginners (Includes: Sample PLA Filament, Flash Drive, Tool Kits)


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Day Trading For Beginners eBook $0 at Amazon

Thumb Score: +1
mazon has the Day Trading For Beginners [amazon.com]: How To Quit Your Job And Get Rich Day Trading eBook (Kindle) for $ 0 downloaded. A 68-page overview of day trading strategies for beginners.

How to Invest eBook [amazon.com]for $ 0 downloaded
Stock Investing [amazon.com] for Beginners for $ 0 downloaded
Beginner’s Guide to Real Estate [amazon.com] Investing for $ 0 downloaded

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum