Tag Archives: Baby

Baby rattle and Teether (in store only) for $3.24

Baby rattle and Teether (in store only) for $  3.24

Thumb Score: 0
This is an in store deal only. You can call your store and ask if there is any availability. They will price match the online price if there is availability.

Soft Lamb Baby Rattle and Teether [hallmark.com] for $ 3.24
Cute Monkey Baby Rattle and Teether [hallmark.com] for $ 3.24


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

SNOO Smart Sleeper – International Shipping – Baby Crib – Brand New $1799.01

SNOO Smart Sleeper - International Shipping - Baby Crib - Brand New $  1799.01

Thumb Score: -1
Ready to ship. Will ship international!

Brand New!! Will be shipped in original manufacturer box. Email with any questions.
Product Description:
SNOO is a responsive bassinet that boosts sleep for babies—and parents! Created by Dr. Harvey Karp (The 5 S’s, Happiest Baby on the Block), SNOO improves sleep with the calming sensations of the womb. Its companion mobile App lets you adjust SNOO…to be perfect for your unique baby.
More than a bed, SNOO is a 24/7 helper, there to hold and soothe your little one…whenever you need to take a shower, fix a meal or get a bit more sleep!

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

VUDU – Source Code (UHD), Wind River (HDX), Gone Baby Gone (HDX), A Most Wanted Man (HDX) — also Amazon Prime Video in Digital HD $4.99

Thumb Score: +1
Found a few good deals on an otherwise quiet weekend from VUDU. All are $ 4.99 + tax.



Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Amazon: Pampers Baby Wipes (720 x 4) + Huggies Baby Wipes (704 x 4) for $87.64

Amazon: Pampers Baby Wipes (720 x 4) + Huggies Baby Wipes (704 x 4)  for $  87.64

Thumb Score: 0
1. Add 4x of https://www.amazon.com/gp/product…=UTF8&th=1 to cart ($ 12.39 per box)
2. Add 4x of https://www.amazon.com/gp/product…=UTF8&th=1 to cart ($ 13.28 per box)
3. Go to check out, the $ 20 off $ 100 coupon will be applied during check out

The total is $ 87.64 for 5696 wipes, or $ 0.0154 per wipe, compared to Kirkland brand at Costco ($ 19.99 per box of 900 wipes) at $ 0.0222 per wipe, 44% more.

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