- Must have a minimum daily balance of $ 5000 to earn 4.30% APY
- No account opening or maintenance fees
- Daily compounding interest to maximize your earning potential
- FDIC insured
*See site for details
Slickdeals may be compensated by CIT Bank
*See site for details
Slickdeals may be compensated by CIT Bank
Slickdeals may be compensated by CIT Bank
Details:[list][*]No minimum deposit[*]No minimum balance[*]No monthly fees[*]Member FDIC[*]The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) as advertised is accurate as of 8/12/24. Interest rate and APY are subject to change at any time without notice. Offer applies to personal accounts only. Fees may reduce earnings. For High Yield Savings accounts, the rate may change after the account is opened. Visit https://www.synchronyba
12-Month CD: Earn 7.00% APY* (50k Minimum Balance)
24-Month CD: Earn 6.00% APY* (25k Minimum Balance)
Priority One Credit Union Membership Eligibility:
– Los Angeles County postal employees
– Riverside and San Bernardino Counties postal employees
– Everyone who lives, works, attends school or worships in the Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley and the City of South Pasadena
– General Services Administration (GSA) (a Federal Government Agency) employees