Tag Archives: Adirondack

Portside 3-piece Shellback Adirondack Set (5/20-6/14, or while supplies last) $399.99

Portside 3-piece Shellback Adirondack Set (5/20-6/14, or while supplies last) $  399.99

Thumb Score: 0
Two chairs and a small drink table for $ 400 +Tax (shipping included).

These are NOT the folding chairs that have been appearing at your local Costco and Costco.com.

* NO MORE MAINTENANCE (painting/staining/sanding/etc).
* NO more insect damage (termites/carpenter ants/etc).
* 20 YEAR WARRANTY (assuming company is still around).
* MADE in USA (NOT Assembled).
* 5 color choices: WHITE, BROWN, GREY, TAN, BLACK.
* Long Term Cost of Ownership should be far lower than traditional wood furniture due to wood maintenance & replacement costs.

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Lakeland Mills Classic Cedar Log Adirondack Chair $114.99 + fs @hayneedle.com

Lakeland Mills Classic Cedar Log Adirondack Chair $  114.99 + fs @hayneedle.com

Thumb Score: 0

List Price: $ 219.99

Product Summary

By adding this gorgeous Adirondack chair to your backyard or garden, you will not only create a stylish and rustic décor, but you’ll also be able to benefit from increased comfort. Durably constructed from solid cedar, this Lakeland Mills chair features a scalloped backrest and thick log armrests that contribute to a relaxing and cozy piece of furniture. The chair is naturally resistant to rot or damage caused by insects, so you don’t have to worry about that when placing it in your garden.

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