Tag Archives: 60ct

Lindt EXCELLENCE Dark 60ct box Free or $2.16

Lindt EXCELLENCE Dark 60ct box Free or $  2.16

Thumb Score: +6
On Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Lindt-EXCEL…etail_page).

1. For 70% cocoa flavor, clip 40% coupon, add 1 to cart. Check out and only at the last step, you see price 2.16.

2. For sea salt flavor, clip 40% coupon. Subscribe save to get it for 0.00 (it might be higher slightly if u have less than 5 items on subscription).

Repeat the steps if u want to.


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Testosterone Booster Supplement T-STIM (60ct) for $19.99 + free shipping

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This deal is back again thankfully..

I figured I’d test it out before buying it up. I’ve been on my current work-out plan for about 3 weeks now, and been…

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