Tag Archives: $5.70

18-Pack 1.7oz Corn Nuts Original Crunchy Corn Kernels $5.70 w/ S&S + Free S/H

18-Pack 1.7oz Corn Nuts Original Crunchy Corn Kernels $  5.70 w/ S&S + Free S/H

Thumb Score: +1
Amazon has 18-Pack 1.7oz Corn Nuts Original Crunchy Corn Kernels for $ 5.70 when you checkout via Subscribe & Save (select the later date from the "First Delivery On" menu). Shipping is free.

I have seen this deal at least twice in the last few months. It is a great price for these. These are the 1.7oz size not the 1oz you see in most packs. Corn Nuts are a guilty pleasure and nice to get them for a good price.

The price goes down to $ 5.10 if you have S&S for 15%.


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

12oz Purpose Gentle Cleansing Face Wash – $5.70 (like new) or $6.14 (new) – Prime Eligible

12oz Purpose Gentle Cleansing Face Wash - $  5.70 (like new) or $  6.14 (new) - Prime Eligible

Thumb Score: 0

4.8/5 stars – 100+ reviews
Fakespot Grade: A

They only sell this in the 6oz version in stores around me (for around this price), so it’s a steal at $ 6 in the 12oz capacity.

I have sensitive skin & have been using this for 10+ years; it’s the only thing that doesn’t dry me out or leave me splotchy. Note: it is an add-on item.

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

(Back Again) Gmasking PVC V for Vendetta Mask 2 Pieces(Gold,Sliver) $5.70 – Amazon – Free shipping

This was a popular deal as seen in this thread. Although it’s not Halloween but good price still for parties and different events.

This a slightly different version.

•Gmasking PVC V for…

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