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Basically free if you use the cashback.
Travel Availability:
Departs PIT: Nov 25, 26, 28, 30; Dec 2, 3
Returns: Nov 28, 30; Dec 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10
Use dates and book it on Expedia []. Bundling hotel with airfare will save money. Be sure you check WOW Air’s optional fees & services [], including baggage info.
good deal on good year welt and horween leather.
"The Dylan Boot was made for the open road, this classic Wolverine style has extra tough details to stand up to the test. With a Vibram lug outsole for superior traction and Goodyear Welt construction, this boot will provide superior wear no matter where your adventures take you. The boot also features extra leather on the vamp for ultimate durability. "