Tag Archives: $369

Lenovo H530s Slim Desktop: Core i5 4440 3.1GHz, 6GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, DVD Burner, Wi-Fi, Windows 8 $369 + Free Shipping with Prime

This is my first post so be nice please. I was looking for a small computer and found this Levnovo which i think its a good price considering is the 4th generation i5. The description is very vague…

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HP Pavilion 20-b010 All-In-One Computer With 20″ Display On Sale $369 Reg $469 2/17-2/23 Officedepot

A decent price on a all in one. A lot of the box stores carry this model.

HP Pavilion All-In-One Computer with AMD E1 Accelerated Processor
Item #202-516

NOW ONLY $ 369.99 Reg. $ 469.99

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Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals