Tag Archives: 34.97

Plano Molding 9618-00 Heavy Duty Interlocking Shelving $34.97 sss eligible @ amazon

Plano Molding 9618-00 Heavy Duty Interlocking Shelving [amazon.com]

Five shelf heavy duty shelving with interlocking feature
Each shelf is ventilated
Hold 180 pounds per shelf

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Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals

Ryobi Tek4 Lithium 4 Volt Rapid Charger with Battery $8.83 Home Depot B+M YMMV Reg 34.97

Been watching this at two different Home Depots and it was still around $ 11 near Christmas. Now $ 8.83. The battery alone would cost $ 12 so basically a cheap battery and the rapid charger for…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals